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William Wright

William Wright

William Wright attributes his early interest in music to his parents; his mother being a piano teacher herself. His advanced musical training was gained at Curtis Institute of Music where he received a Diploma in Clarinet, and at Catholic University from which he holds Masters and Doctorate degrees. Additionally, he studied conducting under Dr. Richard Lert at the Eastern Institute of Orchestral Studies. Mr. Wright performed as a clarinetist with the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) for 40 years and with the New Orleans Symphony for three years. He is a former faculty member of both George Washington and Catholic Universities for both conducting and instrument performance and has instructed privately throughout the Washington DC area for 50 years. He was Music Director of the Potomac Valley Youth Orchestra from 2006-2010. He is presently Conductor of The Gennusa Clarinet Camerata.

2 products found in William Wright

Brahms (Wright): Finale to Symphony No. 3, arr. for clarinet choir
Brahms (Wright): Finale to Symphony No. 3, arr. for clarinet choir
  • $49.95
Wagner (Wright): Siegfried Idyll, arr. for clarinet choir
Wagner (Wright): Siegfried Idyll, arr. for clarinet choir
  • $79.50